Yup - more news from Newsmax - your friendly lovers of democracy, the Republican Trust PAC. I can't imagine how these idjits got a mailing list with MY name on it. Unless I was doing some super sneaky reconnaisance. Keith Olberman, of the very blue MSNBC, just told me an interesting fact: McCain is now blaming Obama for literally ruining Joe the Plumber's life. Even though McCain brought him up first and said his name no less than 21 times. David Letterman really gave it to McCain last night. It was thrilling.
Joe the Plumber was a stupid move, just like this run of stupid moves the McCain team has made. The most interesting news today is that Obama et al are asking for an investigation to be made into the role of the Executive and Judicial branches (Bush/Cheney/Rove and the inept and corrupt OCS) in their public interpretation of the ACORN fiasco. They are phoning millions of people with a robotic message that Obama is basicly a terrorist and election stealer. Now, when these folks, and other folks who have some anomaly with their names on Election Day, won't be taken seriously. That is so reprehensible.
It looks like Obama has it in like Flynn, but I put NOTHING past the other side. Someone better be watching those voter machines. Why the hell isn't anyone investigating Diebold? I'm tellin' ya!
So, I wanted to share my newest communique from Newsmax, because it is both so hilarious and so scary. If anyone has a different point of view - please comment. I'm really trying to understand the other half.
An urgent message from our Newsmax Sponsor, The Republican National Trust PAC:
Dear Newsmax Reader:
We at the National Republican Trust are launching our first 30-second ad attacking Barack Obama and his plan to give illegal aliens driver's licenses.
(There is a giant photo of Mohammed Atta's driver's license here so you, too, can feel the horror of it all.)
We are already being attacked by liberal, pro-Obama blogs and we haven't released our first ad! They are worried about us -- and they should be! Dick Morris says "The National Republican Trust is a very effective organization that can make a huge difference on election day."
(Attacked by blogs? Like this super scary blog? There they go with the panties loving Dick again. NO ONE in America likes this prick, guys)
This weekend our TV ad will hit Ohio in a big way. It will be like a neutron bomb. We are expecting heavy, heavy flak from the enemy.
(THIS? Is too much. What idiot thought up this copy? A neutron bomb? Are you high? I am here specifically to give you flak. If you weren't so dull, so dim-witted, so doltish, I would just let you be, but this is excessive and we're talking about the future of the planet. Neutron bomb. Shut up.
We are now firming up ad buys in other major swing states. You can make a big difference by donation to us because we only have days to roll out our campaign.
(Fuck you.)
Please read Scott Wheeler's Urgent Letter below!
Obama’s Plan: Mohamed Atta Gets His Driver’s License
Dear Fellow American:
We have just weeks to go before Election Day . . . time is running short for us to avert a major disaster for our country. That disaster’s name is President Barack Obama.
(I'm glad you got his title right: President Barack Obama)
But this disaster can be averted. I’m confident about this — even though the slanted media are overstating Obama’s inevitability. But the numbers don’t lie. The latest Zogby poll had John McCain trailing Obama by two points. Just two points!
(Give it time, dude. Your guy's numbers are dropping more and more every day.)
Despite the full-court press to destroy McCain and Sarah Palin, Katie Couric’s antics against her, and a daily onslaught of media spin . . . McCain is still within striking distance. The stakes have never been higher for the future of the country.
(That Katie Couric, she needs a witchdoctor, Sarah! And, how do you overstate inevitability?)
We either patriotically turn the country over to a man who has proudly served his nation in war time and peace — or we face electing a man who has a checkered past, a man who has counted domestic terrorists among his friends, and a man who spent 15 years in a church where his pastor regularly damned and condemned the United States. Barack Obama is not simply a risky choice as our next president — He is a dangerous one.
(A checkered past! Ooooohh. Were you proud about abandoning your beauty queen wife, the one who WAITED for you for years and years, and then was in a disfiguring accident so you just abandoned her...penniless, John McCain? Were you proud of your behavior then?)
This is why I have taken the helm here at the National Republican Trust Political Action Committee. Here at the National Republican Trust, we understand our mission. It’s simple. It will also drive the left-wing media nuts.
(Well, thank OGG. What would we do without you, you fine example of a guy? I think you're driving everyone nuts already.)
Here’s the plan: We will tell the American people the truth about Barack Obama!
Millions of dubious new voters with the help of groups like ACORN are being registered to put the most extreme liberal in the history of the presidency in the White House.
(What is a dubious voter? Is that code for stupid or Black or poor or what? Is it our duty to protect them from electing a liberal president?)
But I’ll shock you: that’s OK! Let them spend millions in getting new “voters” and millions more in TV ads. I believe truth is more powerful than lies. How powerful? Well, so powerful, in fact, that I believe one airing of our TV ads will equal at least 10 airings of theirs. This issue will nail him.
(Guys? When you do that tricky truth and lies, verging on religious patter thing? That is wicked offensive.)
In the closing weeks of this election, Obama is trying to remake himself as a moderate to win over lower-income, white, Democratic and independent voters. He wants to hide the facts about his record. He is the most extreme liberal ever to be nominated by a major party. We all know his 100 percent liberal rating in Congress, his support for the TOTAL gun ban in Washington, D.C., his opposition to protecting babies born alive, and his support for tax increases.
(First, of course Obama wants to win over lower-income, white, Democratic and Independent voters. That's the Democratic constituency, ya moron! He's not hiding any facts. I'd go so far as to say that YOUR extreme nature and activities and beliefs are WAY more extreme than Obama's , even on his most liberal day! Someone better get those guns out of DC - the poor are shooting each other all to hell. Protecting babies that are born alive? That's a doozy. Like, how often does that really happen? Five in every two hundred million? And OGG forbid we go a second without mentioning taxes.)
But there is one issue almost all Americans agree on: Illegal aliens should not be given driver’s licenses. Help Expose Obama's License Plan.
(I won't help you because I don't agree. I'm one of those out-of-her-mind liberals who likes to be safer.)
*a second photo of Mohammed Atta's driver's license displayed here*
Not after 9/11. Did you know that Mohamed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, had a valid Florida driver’s license? Did you know 13 of the 19 hijackers had obtained valid driver’s licenses? Armed with these licenses, eight of the hijackers even registered to vote!
(Huh. The hijackers voted? Are you sure, Newsmax? Who'd they vote for? What a curious thing.)
Here is the shocking fact: Obama strongly supports giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses. Obama’s position is not a new one: We discovered that Obama has been a major proponent of driver’s licenses for illegals since his days as an Illinois state senator. We have no doubt that, as president, Obama will also champion this radical plan. With Osama bin Laden still at large, with al-Qaida promising “spectacular” attacks on the U.S homeland, with the threat of them using weapons of mass destruction against our cities — biological, chemical, and nuclear — can we risk putting such a man in the Oval Office?
Doesn’t he remember what happened on 9/11? More than 3,000 Americans were murdered.
(HORROR! FEAR! CRISIS! CATASTROPHE! and with all due respect for the victims of 9/11, 4184 U.S. soldiers have died fucking around in Iraq.)
But we need your help. We’re already preparing our ad budget in key swing states. The more you can donate to us today, the more we can spend in the coming days. And don’t forget, you can donate a maximum of $5,000. Your spouse can also make a $5,000 donation. With $5,000 we can saturate a whole city/market in a key swing state for one whole night.
But even $1,000 helps us. With $1,000 we can run 10 TV ads in a key market.
(I must admit that I get a lot of spam from the Democrats asking for money. But they ask for $25...$10 is just fine! These fools want $5000? And "even $1000 helps"?
Help Expose Obama's License Plan!
*big photo of Mohammed Atta...again*
Thank you.
Yours for America,
Scott Wheeler
Executive Director
P.S. If you agree with this letter, you can help in two ways. First, donate to us, and let us fight for you. Second, forward this e-mail and letter to at least 10 of your friends and family. Encourage them to read it. We can reach millions of Americans if even a fraction of our readers do this.
Wow. So, I guess there are people like that out there - people who would take that letter seriously. How do you battle the insane?
I still can't get over the "neutron bomb" thing. Beastly.
Normally I wouldn't sign my blog, but until November Fourth, I am yours,
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Oh geez, these folks are desperate. It'd be kind of funny if it wasn't so frightening.
Obama's going to win and they're all going to go off their rockers about it. I mean....more off than they already are....if that's possible....
Oh and Trish?
I was listening to that Hannity guy the other day (don't ask why) and someone called him up and called Obama "the antichrist".
That worries me. I mean, for Obama. Crazed wackjobs thinking he's the antichrist. Yikes. I wonder if at times Michelle hopes he DOESN'T win, ya know?
Points for "Katie Couric's antics," tho, you gotta admit.
Re Newsmax quote: "This weekend our TV ad will hit Ohio in a big way. It will be like a neutron bomb. We are expecting heavy, heavy flak from the enemy." The Concrete Jungle Queen is 100 percent right to call attention to this destructive rhetoric. Likening political ads to the neutron bomb and referring to domestic political opposition as the enemy is stupid at best. At worst, it could be incendiary, especially considering our country's history of political violence.
I find it curious that the right wing would not be in favor of imposing a tool of social control as effective as licensing undocumented immigrants to drive. The driver's license, even more than the SSN number, is a basic component of law enforcement's ability to effectively identify citizens (or undocumented immigrants) and to use as a locus for compiling results of surveillance efforts etc.
Sigh. Isn't he dreamy?
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Hi Anonymous,
I want to thank you for your comment. I love praise! I've been very lazy about writing lately but I plan to devote much more time to it soon. I hope you'll come back and continue reading! I also have a newer blog at sheenasfury.blogspot.com (note the "s" in the mddle). Thank you again.
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