Monday, October 6, 2008

Stock Market CRISIS!!

CNN is naturally covering this morning's stock market plunge. I'm wondering if mass media can trump the global economy. If all everyone sees and hears is that we are, in fact, having an eonomic CRISIS, the event follows and fulfills the prediction, right? Especially since we're talking about the "emotional" stock market and the lending of credit.

If there is no CNN to report a lack of confidence, will that confidence be lacking? Are everyday Joes and Jills pulling out of the market because they panic at the news that everyone is panicking? 

We're definitely in uncharted waters. 

In other let's piss people off news, the Supreme (ly mean) Court has ruled that they will not intervene in the execution of the Georgia man who might not have done the crime, as there is new and compelling evidence. The Black community is going to be furious, along with everyone else who thinks it's a bad idea when governments are allowed to murder their citizens. Even when there is new evidence that should be heard, at least.  This is a travesty. 

Here's a report now that the number of homeless families has skyrocketed. They didn't have 401K's. Don't panic, but make sure you have some emergency money stashed away. Don't panic or rush without thinking, but assess whether you need to pull out of the market immediately. This is all the advice of CNN anchors and financial pundits.

Now CNN is showing me Sarah "Femmebot" Palin sharing a stage with a beaming *urp* Joe Lieberman. I'm gonna go play on Facebook.

See this MSNBC story - it's obviously not just CNN, it's everywhere you look. It's impossible to ignore (unless you are playing with your fluff on Facebook).

Shite - I don't know how to make the link live. What? I'm new at this! Copy and paste, folks!


1 comment:

mommapolitico said...

I am just so glad that Grampy McSame got SPANKED tonight! Crisis is right. So why the hell was that idiot talking about buying mortgages, renegotiationg them, etc. Didn't we just do a mega-bailout to do that very thing? ANd we lose yet another 500 points on the Dow. Hang on to your hats, kids, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. It's gonna get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid.