Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sheena Hussein Fury's Questions for the Candidates

I must open with a new and alarming article I read today. I've been telling everyone to watch Hacking Democracy on the Internet, and now it's also being run on HBO On Demand. I watched it again yesterday. Well, today, I did a little search and found the film-maker's Web site, which is mighty scary! He and the Ohio Secretary of State have been receiving frequent death threats; Jennifer Brunner, the Ohio SOS, had her Web site shut down and recently had an envelope sent to her with white powder in it! Why? Things aren't right! Where's Kevin Spacey?

I've heard a whole lot (and understood a very little) about the economy, taxes, healthcare and foreign relations. This is all well and good, but I have a list of questions I wish McCain and Obama would answer for me, too.

1. People without kids, or private school attendees, often gloss over the public education situition. It's everyone's tax money involved, so people ought to consider that an educated society will be a healthier one all around. What exactly (beyond vouchers) do you plan to do about schools, teachers, education and the KIDS? Thirty percent of kids don't graduate from high school today. How are they going to live in the future? If you haven't been to a public school lately? They're in a terrible condition. Or has it now become acceptable to dumb the people down, so that they'll be good sheeple we can either manipulate, or jail?

2. Ronald Reagan did it all for the nookie *oops* er, he did it for the wrong reasons. To save money, he let tens of thousands of alcoholic, drug-addicted, psychotic, schizophrenic, whoknowswhatsisetic out of Veteran's hospitals everywhere. I remember all of a sudden, L.A. was full of the most care-needing people ever, demanding to be cared for! Most were Vietnam vets, so they were still young. Now, almost 35 years later, there are whole family's sleeping in the streets and in their cars. Tons of them. Does it even come up at any of your meetings? Should homeless, messed up, jobless, diseased (both mentally and physically) hard luck Vets expect no hope whatsoever from you? Like your friend over there at Lehman Bros., right? How will we finally deal with the huge homeless population in most every city?

Come to think of it, that's a state issue...most of these are State issues, but fuck it, I have something to say! The Feds should involve themselves by being aware of situations and steering the states the right away if they're unable to manage it themselves with efficiency and compassion. Are the people just meant to lie and die in the street if they happen to have a lot of bad luck (and bad choices)?

3. If you refuse to legalize marijuana, will you at least decriminalize it (thus letting hundreds of thousands of people who smoked a joint out of overcrowded prisons)? Some states have the lamest laws on marijuana. In New Mexico, for example, if you get caught with one joint, you'll do a year or longer in prison. I happen to think a drunk person is FAR more dangerous than a stoned one. And let's hear it: What is your stance on medical marijuana? What are we so scared of?

4. We are the only "civilized" country that practices the death penalty. Can we stop the barbarism now? Innocent people have been executed within the past six months. Our judicial system has become a bureaocracy - justice has been left behind. I have something else to say about prisons: Why do we see prisoners using fine new computer systems and modern tools so that they can earn a college degree? What about the kid who didn't get arrested? Doesn't that seen somehow...ironic?

5. Street gangs are becoming a bigger and bigger threat to themselves and to innocent passers-by. Whatcha gonna do about that? It has come to my attention that there is a twenty-square block area of Compton that is nowhere land. The cops don't go in there because they are out-armed. This? Is a big problem, especially when the Civil War II starts - the haves v the have-nots. The Salvadoran Salva Maratrucha gang is slashing and burning - in the most alarming manner - the parts of the city THEY want. Chicago, New York, Miami, and all the little towns in between. Be afraid!

6. If Safeway or Lucky or Ralph's want to open a fully-stocked grocery store in the posh part of town, can you force them to open one in the middle of the hood, too? One of the systematic ways our government keeps the poor powerless is to control what goes in and out of the hood. There is NO hood that has a grocery store less than 25 minutes away by bus. A woman I saw said it would be much easier to buy a gun than a tomato where she lives. Fast food, overpriced, understocked liquor stores, gun stores, boarded up windows and falling down buildings.

7. I'd like to request that all PAC's, lobbyists of ANY kind, must only be able to get on his/her knees and beg whenever the congressperson or senator arrivres at or leaves the office. And they have to wear a diaper.

8. I must say, I'm a little bit confused about this separation of church and state thing. I know that it states in the Constitution that church and state shall be separate, but then I see the Ten Commandments enscribed in Judicial buildings and I hear our kids still have to say "one nation, Under God," (which was never meant to be there in the first place!) in school each morning; In God We Trust is everywhere. I thought we were to be a nation that accepts and respects all religions. Is being an Atheist okay in everyone's book? Why must the President, or presidential candidate, have to end all speeches with "God Bless America," or "God Bless You!" That talk honestly makes me nervous. Let's allow anyone who wants to teach their kids creationism home school or go to private school. Otherwise, let's stick to the facts, shall we?

9. Whatever happened to philanthropy, corporate conscience? If a CEO makes 89 million dollars in ONE year JUST in bonuses, what happened to giving that money back to the community? Even those robber barons knew to keep the public happy. Now we're giving THEM money. There's something very wrong with this picture?

10. If you really know how to manufacture weather, will you let us know already?

I have some more things I'll need doing, but I'll save it for another day. Thank you for your kind attention.


mommapolitico said...

Great list, Queena Sheena! I think you should send this post to both campaigns!
I sat at my desk at work, with my laptop at home, and with a pad and paper at 2 a.m. many nights this month trying to budget out what little we have in the new budget and meet the needs of my kids. It was 95 degrees today (3 blocks from the beach, at 4 in the afternoon...thank you, global warming), and I had to find a way to afford more fans for the classrooms so the kids could have some semblance of a breeze. And, no, my fifty plus year old school doesn't have air conditioning.
No Child Left Behind was the most harmful distortion of the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Ed. Act)ever to hit the books. Do more, with less. Test one group of second graders, and we'll compare them to last year's second graders. (Why measure a student's progress over how he did last year? Makes too friggin' much sense.) We finally have free lunch and breakfast for all my kids, which is great, since it may be the only meals some of them get each day. Something is wrong when Lehman Bros. can still party down and hard working folks are struggling to put gas in the tank and dinner on the table.
Seriously, send that list to as many media sources as possible, Girlfrined. It's important that those questions be asked. Great post!

mommapolitico said...

Okay, that was supposed to be girlfriend. So incensed that my hands couldn't keep up with my brain...sorry 'bout that!

mommapolitico said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SheenaFury said...

I need to add a few more comments and then I'll send it out - 'cause you say so!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing up the death penalty! Why will they not TOUCH that one?! It pisses me off so bad. If only you, Trish, were able to actually ask these questions in-person! McCain would buy the farm then and there! Seriously, these are the questions that SHOULD be asked. I agree with mommapolitico....dash these off to the campaigns!

And thank you also for bringing up the homeless. I 'bout puked in my soup when Reagan died and even Democrats were drooling over his fabulousness. Bah. That man was a total asshole who I blame for tons of needless death (AIDS, anyone? How about all those 'freedom fighters' disappearing people? And on and on). Horrible horrible nasty mean man. And dumb as f&?ck to boot. He'd give Sarah Palin a run for her money. And his china-buying wife Nancy always rubbed me the wrong way too.

Who the hell cares of someone smokes pot? Why is it illegal? It's way less destructive than alcohol (not that I don't like my evening pale ale mind you). Let's all bake some marijuana brownies and send 'em to Congress! They'd become more peaceful and enlightened. My sister depended on weed to get her through the HORROR of chemotherapy when nothing else worked to ease the side-effects. Thank gawd for the stuff!

And mommapolitico I so agree with you and Trish about the public education deal. But will say no more lest we get me started raving about a certain high school which took millions of dollars and SPENT IT ON A &&*$#@#@#$ FOOTBALL STADIUM.

And now, back to indexing articles on information storage and retrieval...